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  • Inbound & Marketing Automation

Inbound & Marketing Automation

Find new customers with Inbound Marketing Automation,
automate the relationship with the brand and generate new leads with martech.

of companies using marketing automation
solutions and tools get ROI in 12 months.
(Focus Research)

Inbound Marketing

With inbound marketing, potential customers are able to find your business through digital channels such as search sites, blogs, social networks and social media.
By creating content designed to respond to the problems and needs of ideal customers, inbound can attract qualified opportunities and build trust and credibility in your brand.

Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation Platforms (MAP) increase the impact of your content, generate knowledge about potential customers, improve the conversion rate from leads to sales, contribute to repeat purchases, and unify customer experience throughout the journey.
By automating activities such as contact management, database segmentation, lead scoring, relationship nutrition, performance evaluation, A/B testing of sites, offers and emails, your business will increase the efficiency of marketing and sales.

Benefits of
Inbound & Marketing Automation

Increase demand
Implement the winning strategy that can generate more demand for your products and services.
Align marketing and sales
Align the Marketing effort to generate more qualified leads for the Sales team.
Optimize relationships
Make wise decisions that generate value and accelerate the journey of relationship with your potential customers.

Case Study


Case Study | Flow

Flow is a pioneer software company which developed the first Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for the food industry. With an Inbound & Marketing Automation program, the marketing and sales team gets 3 times more leads in 9 months. Visits to the website through organic searches generated 55% of the sales opportunities, and in every 100 visitors, 2 became leads.
Ford Success Case
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